Aviator Sports Boosters The HANGAR, the Alliance Aviator spirit store located in the AHS athletic lobby, will be open Saturday, November 5th from 9AM-3PM during the AHS Craft Show. The HANGAR features a large variety of newly added apparel, baby & toddler t's, bibs, ties, hats, visors, umbrellas, blankets, bags, rhinestone airplane pins, coffee mugs, water bottles, yard signs, window clings, & lots more! The Stark County's Sports Icons & High School Greats Book will also be available to purchase. The Aviator Top 10 includes: Len Dawson (also featured as a Stark Co Great), Mel Knowlton, Anthony Blair, Harry Fails Jr, John Borton, Dave Clegg, Kendall Davis-Clark, Jen Wollam, JJ Kukura, & Charles Babb and additional Aviators are listed as Honorable Mentions. All Stark County high schools are included. The Aviator Sports Boosters 2016-2017 membership drive is in full swing. Memberships are available and being accepted at the AHS athletic office or by contacting membership chairman Nicole Shaw(304-374-1780). All Aviator fans are encouraged to join & get involved! The Aviator Sports Boosters will meet for their regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 7th at 7pm, at AHS in room 237 (past the auditorium doors on the right side of the hallway). All Aviator fans are encouraged to attend! *Like the Aviator Sports Boosters at AviatorSportsBoosters on Facebook *Follow the Aviator Sports Booster on Twitter @AviatorSpirit *To receive Aviator Sports Boosters/Athletic text alerts text to 40404 with the following message: FOLLOWAVIATORSPIRIT
over 8 years ago, ACS
Aviator Shootout The community is invited to the 6th Annual Aviator Shootout this Friday, November 4. The event, featuring 5 minute films created in 48 hours by groups of Media Arts students, begins at 7 in Room A at AHS. After viewing these films, join us in the Media Arts room for the awards program, snacks and prizes. The event is free and we look forward to seeing you there to support these future filmmakers!
over 8 years ago, ACS
AHS to host a Veteran's Day Assembly The Social Studies Department at Alliance High School has organized a Veteran's Day Assembly to honor those who have served our country. The assembly is open to the public and will take place in the auditorium on Wednesday, November 11th from 1:45-2:30. Those wishing to attend should try to arrive by 1:30. Reserved seating will be provided for veterans and their guests, by RSVP. To RSVP, please email Joe Beichler at beichlerjo@alliancecityschools.org or call Linda Poole at 330-829-2247 & let them know the number in your party. If you are not a veteran/accompanying a veteran, there is no need to RSVP. The opening of the assembly will feature a slideshow of veteran's pictures. If you would like a veteran's picture included, please email the photo (along with the name and rank/branch) to Joe Beichler at beichlerjo@alliancecityschools.org. If you are unable to send an electronic image, you may stop by the AHS main office to have a photo scanned. The image will be scanned by one of the main office secretaries & returned to you immediately.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Food Drive AHS National Honor Society is sponsoring a food drive to benefit the Alliance Community Pantry during the week of November 7-11. Donations of non-perishable food items are requested and can be sent to school with any student.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Alliance High School College and Career Fair The 2nd Annual Alliance High School College and Career Fair will be on Thursday, November 3rd in the AHS gymnasium from 6pm-7:30pm. All seniors will have a senior meeting from 6pm-6:45pm in the auditorium and then will be released to the gym to check out the various colleges, universities, career tech schools, employers, and scholarship organizations. Freshman, sophomores, and juniors are encouraged to come as well.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Come join the Cosmetology Department for their Spa-A-Thon on November 3rd. All are welcome!
over 8 years ago, ACS
AHS will be hosting a parent college financial aid meeting tonight at 6:00. We hope to see you there.
over 8 years ago, ACS
The AHS marching band will be having a concert tonight at 7:00. Mr. Fontaine promised everyone would be home by the first pitch of the Indians game. Come out and support these amazing students!
over 8 years ago, ACS
Goverment Twitter Chat: #AHSdebates AHS Government students have been taking part in live chats on Twitter while the Presidential debates are being televised. The students use the hashtag "#AHSdebates" with comments and questions about the candidates and issues being discussed. AHS Government teacher Joe Beichler has moderated the Twitter Chats, and has had help from several AHS staff members, all of whom respond to student questions and post comments to stimulate conversation. The turnout has been excellent, and we're very hopeful about student participation for the last debate on Wednesday night. Anyone wishing to follow along or contribute to the conversation is welcome...just be sure to include #AHSdebates with your post.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Thanks! The Alliance High School Baseball Team would like to thank Mr. Charlie Winner and Marty Pagnucco for providing their equipment and time to help move 50 tons of dirt from the Alliance High School parking lot onto the Alliance High School baseball field.
over 8 years ago, ACS
#AHS_DeclarationofIndependence Freshmen history students have been studying and learning about America's founding documents. Students created a class video where they recited the preamble to the Declaration of Independence which can be viewed on Twitter #AHS_DeclarationofIndependence Currently, students are examining the failure of the Articles of Confederation and events such as Shay’s Rebellion that led to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Follow me on Twitter @shivelych
over 8 years ago, ACS
Reppin’ That A: The following students were recognized for representing Alliance High School (Reppin’ That A) in a special way! Nautica Longaberger Nina Caserta Jose "Emma" Lopez Hanna Shakhtra Mackensie Howley Miranda Jennings Mallory McCreedy
over 8 years ago, ACS
AHS Enlightenment Salon Freshmen in Mr. Shively's class held an Enlightenment Salon in which students discussed topics that concerned people of the eighteenth century. Classical music was played to set the mood. Because the fashion of the day, students were encouraged to wear wigs and hats for the event.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Premedical Professions II Senior students have started the journey to STNA certification. They are learning basic patient care in a combination of classroom and learning lab activities. They will be starting clinical next month at a local nursing home and at Alliance Community Hospital.​
over 8 years ago, ACS
Premedical Professions I Students in Premedical Professions I started off this year strong, learning about infection and how to decrease transmission of diseases. They are now learning First Aid and Heartsaver CPR through the American Heart Association. They are literally learning how to save lives!
over 8 years ago, ACS
Reppin’ That A: The following students were recognized for representing Alliance High School (Reppin’ That A) in a special way: Dakota Lallie Tyler Wade Cortaise Rogers Dominic Bertolini Tiffany McMasters
over 8 years ago, ACS
AHS Homecoming AHS Homecoming, "A Night in the 1920s" will be held on Saturday, October 8 from 7-10pm. Tickets are $10 for students who purchase them by September 30 in the lobby at 7:30am and 2:30pm. Late tickets will be sold the following week for $15.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Alliance High School FCS On Monday September 12th the following Alliance High School FCS (FCCLA) students participated in the Canton College Fund Fall Fete. These students were selected to present their food science research projects based on quality of their final project requirements. The students in Mrs. DeMaiolo’s Food Science classes have been working hard in many different areas of the Science of Food. They have been studying basic food chemistry including the physical qualities of food as well as their chemical changes through scientific evaluation.: Gabreal Mathes- Research Food Science Topic: Food Waste in America and the Cost-also served the dinner and helped with assembling plates. Tayla Tenney-Research Food Science Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of organic foods-she also helped with serving the dinner and helped assembly plates. Natasha Miku-Changes to Sustainability-Operated the Fender Blender and made salsa and gazpacho for appetizers Bianco Peloso- Research Food Science Topic-Genetic Engineering-she also helped with the Fender Blender and made appetizers. Seandalin Jones-Genetically Modified Organisms-she helped assembly plates and serve as well as offered samples of the Raisin Rack Gourmet appetizers at the activity tables. Miki Grewe-Worked the Fender Blender made salsa and gazpacho
over 8 years ago, ACS
The Auto Body 1 students have learned about general shop safety and safely working with refinish products. The students worked in teams of two and painted bumper covers using PPG sealer,base coat and clear coat. All of the students said that they really enjoyed the hands on learning and realized that they have a lot to learn.The students experienced first hand that learning this type of skill takes time and patience. Each student expressed in written form what they learned the most from this lesson;this is what one student wrote."I enjoyed finding my mistakes and seeing what I did wrong and learning how to fix it and become better.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Reppin’ That A: The following students were recognized for representing Alliance High School (Reppin’ That A) in a special way: Shiann Jackson Tyler WIlliams Hannah Glinsey Leeah Dulaney Devin Russell Savannah Heller
over 8 years ago, ACS