Reppin’ That A: The following students were recognized for representing Alliance High School (Reppin’ That A) in a special way! Cortaise Rogers Mason Fox Eva Naylor Taylor Raffle
over 7 years ago, ACS
The tenth annual Strings Spooktacular, a spooky orchestra concert, will take place on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 7:00pm in the AHS Auditorium. Eighth grade and high school orchestra members will be performing a variety of creepy selections (while wearing costumes, of course!). Please join us - if you dare! Admission to this concert is free, but all souls are invited to bring a canned food item to support the National Honor Society annual canned food drive.
over 7 years ago, ACS
Help Alliance High School win 500,000 sheets of paper! Go to and vote for us! Click on the "vote now" button and then follow the prompts!
over 7 years ago, ACS
High school class schedules can be accessed in Home Access Center.
over 7 years ago, ACS
Attention parents & friends of the Class of 2018: Volunteers are needed for the French Fry Booth at Carnation Days in the Park, Aug. 9th-12th. The proceeds fund the Senior All Night Party. Visit this FB link, or contact Teri Kirby at to sign up! Thanks for your support!
over 7 years ago, ACS
The 2017-18 Aviator Sports Boosters Kick-off will be Monday, August 7th at 7PM featuring an Aviator Sports Rally on the Glamorgan Castle Lawn. In the case of inclement weather, it will be moved to the AHS Gym. The event will feature the AHS marching band, AHS & AMS cheerleaders and all AHS and AMS fall teams and coaches. The HANGAR will offer a special kick-off discount coupon. The HANGAR will be open from 5:30-7PM so you can purchase your Aviator gear. The AHS ticket office will be open from 5:30-7PM, and Aviator Sports Booster memberships will be available from 5:30-6:30PM in the AHS Lobby and from 6:30PM-thru the conclusion of the rally on the Castle Lawn.
over 7 years ago, ACS
The Alliance High School Choirs will present their Spring Concert and Awards tonight at 7:00 in the AHS auditorium. This year's special guests are the Northside Intermediate School Choir, who will also be performing. The concert is free and open to the public.
over 7 years ago, ACS
AHS Boy’s Soccer Meeting Any boy who will be attending Alliance High School next fall and is interested in playing soccer should attend a meeting being held this Sunday May 7th at 6:00 PM at the locker room at Rockhill Field. This meeting is for boys currently attending the high school as well as eighth grade boys planning on playing soccer at the high school this fall. Information regarding summer soccer and physicals will be distributed. Both players and their parents are encouraged to attend. Questions regarding the meeting or boy’s soccer at the high school can be directed to AHS Head Coach Jim Brunie at 330-704-7002.
over 7 years ago, ACS
Don't forget! The AHS band is having their spring concert tonight at 7:00. We hope you join us for an evening of great music.
over 7 years ago, ACS
The AHS Band will be having their spring concert tomorrow. Click on the image for more details. We hope to see you there.
over 7 years ago, ACS
The latest AHS Newsletter is hot off the press! Click the link to check it out.
almost 8 years ago, ACS
The AHS Orchestra spring concert on Tuesday, April 25 will begin at 7:30pm to accommodate our track students who have an away meet that afternoon. We hope you will join us!
almost 8 years ago, ACS
Due to the inclement weather, Alliance City Schools will be closed Today, Wednesday March 15th, 2017. Alliance Career Center Adult Education day and evening classes are in session.
almost 8 years ago, ACS
The AHS Orchestra earned an excellent rating at the 2017 OMEA State Orchestra adjudicated event, held at Hudson High School on Friday, February 24. The ensemble performed three prepared pieces and then sight read a piece on the spot to earn their rating. Congrats, orchestra! Your directors are proud!
almost 8 years ago, ACS
Good luck to all students competing in high school solo and ensemble contest today at Glenoak. Go Aviators!
about 8 years ago, ACS
Due to current and predicted inclement weather, Alliance City Schools will be closed Today, Tuesday January 10th 2017. Alliance Career Center Adult Education day and evening classes are in session.
about 8 years ago, ACS
Congratulations to AHS' Stephanie McKnight for receiving the Aviator Pride Award at tonight's Board of Education meeting!
about 8 years ago, ACS
Reppin’ That A The following students were recognized for representing Alliance High School (Reppin’ That A) in a special way: Blake Brown Jerrell Martin Andrew Davidson Steven Hoover Connor Hawthorne Antonio Bell Luke Kelley Ai'Yana Johnson Olivia Stanley
about 8 years ago, ACS
Many Volunteers are Needed to help the Aviator Sports Boosters operate the concession stand at the Top Gun wrestling tournament (1-13-17 & 1-14-17) & at the NBC Cheer Competition (1-21-17). To volunteer, Contact ASB President, Stephanie Unckrich via text @ 3302068005 (please include your name) or by email @
about 8 years ago, ACS
The AHS Choir and Orchestra concert is this evening at 7:00. We hope to see you there! The concert will be at AHS.
about 8 years ago, ACS