EBC Championship shirts will be available for pre-order only. Order forms can be picked up from the athletic office or printed here (https://tinyurl.com/y5yp9sfz).
Order forms and payment must be received by 2 pm on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
The SkillsUSA Color Splash Fund Run was a success with over 130 participants for the inaugural year! Thank you to everyone who helped out and took part in the event on Sunday! #RepthatA
The ACS Annual Coat Give-Away is coming up on Wednesday, Oct. 23! The event will take place from 4-6 pm at the Alliance Community Center. Please see below for additional information. #RepthatA
Ron Hill, former teacher at AHS, visited the students in AP US History and AP English Language to talk about political cartoons. He discussed his process for creating cartoons and showed them the beginning steps in creating one. Thanks for coming back to AHS, Mr. Hill! #RepthatA
The next Free Laundry Event is Wednesday, Oct. 16. Call now to make an appointment! #RepthatA
PLEASE NOTE the 2019-20 School Calendar has changed. A Teacher Day has been added on Tuesday, March 17. Students will not have school that day. It is an election day and a number of buildings are voting locations. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. #RepthatA
The Skills USA Color Splash Fund Run is coming up! Register by Sept. 20! Click the link for more information about the event and to register!
Have you downloaded the free ACS app? This is a great tool if you have a student at ACS! View upcoming events, breakfast and lunch menus and a personalized live feed. You can even have notifications sent right to your phone about important information and events! #RepthatA
The Alumni Band performed at the varsity football game on Friday! There were 75 alumni who took part! It was great to see the current band members and the alumni perform together during half time! Thank you to all the alumni who took part in the event! #RepthatA
ACS will be hosting a free laundry event on Sept. 25! Appointments must be made in order to take part in this event. #RepthatA
The Aviator Flight Bags will be taking place again this year! Read below for more information. #RepthatA
Thank you to everyone who attended and showed their support of ACS at the Len Dawson Ribbon Cutting and Band Preview Performance on Friday! We are beyond grateful to have such supportive community members! #RepthatA
The new AHS cell phone policy begins the first day of school! Take a look at it below! #RepthatA
AHS parents and students: please see the information below about the Open House on Monday! #RepthatA
AHS students must bring signed paperwork and $10 in order to get an iPad. If a student is unable to attend during their assigned day, they can come on any of the other days from 9-noon. #RepthatA
Freshmen Orientation will take place on Aug. 13! #RepthatA
It's never too early to start preparing for the school year! Click the link to view the school supply lists for the coming year! http://www.alliancecityschools.org/o/alliance-city-school-district/page/school-supply-lists--107 #RepthatA
FinalForms is active! This system will allow you to fill out all forms for your child electronically for the 2019-20 School Year. Click https://tinyurl.com/y52u4jfe to learn how to use FinalForms. Use this link to access FinalForms: https://alliance-oh.finalforms.com/
Final Forms is open for Parents to fill out the necessary forms for their children attending ACS. Find out more information in the message below from Assistant Superintendent Dixon.
Click the link to access Final Forms: https://alliance-oh.finalforms.com
Check out the important dates for the 2019-2020 School Year! #RepthatA