Seniors to Display Capstone Projects

From the benefits of art therapy, to building your own computer, to creating a bouquet of welded roses, there is no shortage of variety in Capstone projects by Alliance High seniors.


\tStudents in Ms. Jessica Pike’s, Ms. Ingrid Risden’s and Ms. Barbara Mudrak’s senior English classes were required to complete a Capstone project for graduation. They will display those projects Thursday, April 12, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the high school gym.


\tThe Capstone requirements include completing a hands-on project; a research paper on a related topic; a presentation on career, college or military; a portfolio, and two hours of community service. Seniors in Career and Tech programs completed their hands-on projects in those classes.


\t“A capstone project benefits a student because it allows him or her to explore deeply a topic of personal interest and possibly connect that topic to a career,” said Chris Schillig, chair of the English Department. “The student is intrinsically interested in the work, which makes the final product better.”


\tAdult visitors to the Capstone display must bring I.D. Cookies and punch will be available from 3:30 to 5 p.m.  For more information, call the high school at 330-829-2245.

Senior Zaire Dixon nears completion of her trifold board explaining good dental care. Dixon did her Capstone project on becoming a dentist.

Mikinzie Sullivan works on her trifold boards for the public display of their Capstone projects Thursday.  Sullivan researched the proper way to sterilize equipment used by tattoo artists.  
