Our Kindergarten friends rocked it during their Winter Extravaganza on Monday! #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Kindergarteners performing during winter concert
The Alliance Elementaries PTO hosted a hot pots night recently! Students and their families enjoyed hot cocoa, painting a mug and pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus. The PTO plans fun events like this one throughout the year to encourage family engagement. Families with students in preschool through third grade are welcome to join the PTO. #RepthatA #ACSFamilyEngagement
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
student getting photo with santa and mrs. claus
students painting mugs
student painting a mug
student painting a mug
There are three more chances to see "Elf: The Musical!" Sunday's performance will be available via livestream for $10 per device. The recording will be available for 4 hours after the performance. Access to the livestream is available here: https://www.showtix4u.com/events/26067/?event=79447&date=210710 Tickets to see the show in person are available at the door or online here: https://singingaviators.ludus.com/index.php Check out the pictures from opening night below! #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
pictures from "Elf: The Musical"
pictures from "Elf: The Musical"
pictures from "Elf: The Musical"
pictures from "Elf: The Musical"
Mark your calendar for Alliance Early Learning School's Kindergarten Winter Extravaganza on Monday, Dec. 11! The concert starts at 6:30 pm. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AELS Concert graphic
Our Friends from Alliance Early Learning School and Alliance Elementary School got to see a sneak peek of "Elf: The Musical"! The students absolutely loved it! #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
picture from elf the musical
Stay up to date on all things Alliance City Schools with the free ACS app! It's available for iPhone and Android devices. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
ACS App promo
Opening Night for "Elf: The Musical" is just two days away! Purchase your tickets here: https://singingaviators.ludus.com/index.php #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Elf promo picture
Winter concerts are just one week away! #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
winter concert schedule
Hilary Harlan's first grade class has been working on their addition math facts! They took part in a variety of stations that included fun activities to practice their math skills. They even had Superintendent Rob Gress and Principal Cory Muller helping them out. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Mr. Gress helping students with math facts
Ms. Harlan helping students with math facts
Mr. Muller helping students with math facts
students practicing their math facts
Students at Alliance Early Learning School and Alliance Elementary School took part in a safety drawing contest hosted by Morgan Engineering. Six students from each school had their drawings selected to be featured in the 2024 Morgan Engineering safety calendar. Each school also received a generous donation. We are lucky to have Morgan Engineering as one of our community partners! Congratulations to the following winners: Alliance Early Learning School - Ella Mohr, Shanell Tuel, Kendall Dartt, Autumn Andrews, Vincent Coven, Reaghan Masters Alliance Elementary School - Noah Sanchez, Emileigh Knapik, Autumn Boals, Adalynn Staggers, Aamon Adkins, Samuel Root #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AELS Winners
AES Winners
As you're preparing for the holidays, if you have old or broken Christmas lights, don't forget to drop them off in the boxes located outside of each school building. The lights will be recycled after the holiday season! #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
recycle xmas lights
Each quarter, the staff and students at Alliance Early Learning School focus on one building expectation. Students receive lessons from the school counselor about what the expectation means and how to practice it, as well as guided instruction daily from their classroom teachers. The first quarter was all about "Being Kind!" Students who exhibited exceptional kindness were nominated for a Donut Party with the Principals! For the second quarter, AELS is focusing on "Being a Good Role Model!" #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
students at the donut party
Superintendent Rob Gress visited Kate Harris' 1st grade class to talk to them about his job! The students learned about Mr. Gress' responsibilities as a superintendent. He visited the class during their community helper unit when they were learning about all the jobs people can have that allow them to help others. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Superintendent Gress with Kate Harris' 1st grade class
The next #LikeAGirl Mentoring event is coming up on Tuesday, Dec. 5! Register your child to attend here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeoNbkICzEaBLJLkQO943d0ultsnuozI20ex1j2mW94oaWwg/viewform #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
#LikeAGirl Flyer
The Alliance City Schools Family Support Specialists and Care Teams are putting on a laundry day event on Dec. 6 for the needs of our students and families at Kwik Suds from 10 am - 2 pm and 3 pm - 7 pm. Limited spots are available. Call today to make an appointment! #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
laundry day flyer
Drop off your old Christmas lights to be recycled! Boxes are located outside of each school building. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Recycle your christmas lights
Kate Harris' first grade class has been visited by a number of community helpers over the past couple of weeks! Yesterday, Mayor Andy Grove visited the class to talk about his job as the Mayor of Alliance. The students heard about what his work day entails, how he helps Alliance and about what it means to be the mayor of a city. The students asked great questions and learned a lot from Mayor Grove! #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Mayor grove speaking to class
mayor grove speaking to class
Class photo with Mayor Grove
The Free Community Thanksgiving meal is this Saturday from noon-1:30 pm at the Alliance Salvation Army! All are welcome to attend. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Free Community Thanksgiving Meal Flyer
Thanksgiving break is just around the corner! Students will have Wednesday, Nov. 22 - Friday, Nov. 24 off for the holiday. School will be in session the Monday and Tuesday before break. Make sure your child attends both days so they don’t miss valuable instruction time. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
thanksgiving break graphic
At AELS, students who received a shout-out for excellent behavior from a substitute teacher got to participate in "Scoops from a Sub" for the month of October! We are proud of them for exhibiting exceptional behavior, even with a different adult in the classroom. #RepthatA
about 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
student eating ice cream