Good luck to Will Rose who will be competing in the OHSAA State Finals! Go Aviators!
about 8 years ago, ACS
Good luck to all students participating in the geography bee tonight. Go Aviators!
about 8 years ago, ACS
Due to current and predicted inclement weather, Alliance City Schools will be closed Today, Tuesday January 10th 2017. Alliance Career Center Adult Education day and evening classes are in session.
about 8 years ago, ACS
From the ACS family to yours. Happy Holidays!
about 8 years ago, ACS
Congratulations to AHS' Stephanie McKnight for receiving the Aviator Pride Award at tonight's Board of Education meeting.
about 8 years ago, ACS
The AHS band will have their winter concert tonight at 7:00 in the AHS auditorium. We hope to see you there.
about 8 years ago, ACS
Many Volunteers are Needed to help the Aviator Sports Boosters operate the concession stand at the Top Gun wrestling tournament (1-13-17 & 1-14-17) & at the NBC Cheer Competition (1-21-17). To volunteer, Contact ASB President, Stephanie Unckrich via text @ 3302068005 (please include your name) or by email @
about 8 years ago, ACS
The AHS Choir and Orchestra concert is this evening at 7:00. We hope to see you there! The concert will be at AHS.
about 8 years ago, ACS
Alliance City Schools are closed on 12/15/16. Alliance Career Center is still in session.
about 8 years ago, Chad Morris
Winter Arts Night is tonight from 6-8:30pm at AMS. Come support our young, talented artists & musicians!
about 8 years ago, ACS
Happy Holidays from the Alliance City Schools Board of Education.
over 8 years ago, Chad Morris
The ACS family would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
over 8 years ago, ACS
Alliance High School students were evacuated today due to a false alarm. The Alliance fire department examined the building and determined it to be safe. Students have returned to the building.
over 8 years ago, ACS
AMS will be having parent/teacher conferences tonight from 4-7. We hope to see you there.
over 8 years ago, ACS
Don't forget to stop by the AHS band boosters craft show today at AHS!
over 8 years ago, ACS
Need to get your child off the bus in the afternoon? @HereComestheBus can help with that! Download the app on the #AppStore or #GooglePlay
over 8 years ago, Chad Morris
The ninth annual Strings Spooktacular, a spooky orchestra concert, is TONIGHT (Thursday, October 27) at 7:00pm in the AHS Auditorium. Eighth grade and high school orchestra members will be performing a variety of creepy selections (while wearing costumes, of course!). Please join us - if you dare! Admission to this concert is free, but please consider bringing a canned food item for the National Honor Society's annual canned food drive.
over 8 years ago, ACS
AHS Girls CC Runner Kaelynn Kemp placed 23rd and qualified to advance to Regionals.
over 8 years ago, Chad Morris
Congratulations to AHS CC runner Dylan Bailey for his 7th place finish at Malone Districts and qualifying for Regionals
over 8 years ago, Chad Morris
Alliance staff learn to use our SWIVL video taping robots.
over 8 years ago, ACS